Friday Features, March 30, 2012

Movies, movies everywhere, but few with guys like us. And gals, of course. We’re not poets, but we can see the poetic injustice of so few Hollywood movies featuring Asian Americans.

In any case, check out this week’s new film releases. We grade them based on their Asian-American presence, or lack thereof, based on the trailer and cast list from IMDB.

Warner Bros.

No. of AA: 0

Rating:  F

Wrath of the Titans

The 3-D sequel to the first Wrath movie, which was itself a remake of a claymation-era film on the Greek gods (which I enjoyed immensely as a child). This one seems like 3-D dollar fodder, and doesn’t sport a single Asian American. Phooey.

Relativity Media

No. of AA: 1

Rating:  D-

Mirror Mirror

In one of three re-imaginings of the Snow White story, Mirror Mirror offers a comedic take, employing seven dwarfs to help Snow White battle a ruthless lover queen. One of these dwarfs, Ronald Lee Clark, is Korean-American, and a co-star on Animal Planet’s Pit Boss.

Alliance Films

No. of AA: 1?

Rating:  D-


A more brawn than brains bouncer becomes a part of something bigger than himself and helps lead a semi-pro hockey team glory. While seemingly unlisted, there appears to be an Asian American on the team’s bus during the trailer at around the 2:14 mark.

Universal Pictures

No. of AA: 0

Rating:  F


Two children in two different European countries are haunted by the same hollow-faced entity. Coincidence? The film is from the UK, so doesn’t have any Asian Americans…or Asian Britains. … Yeah.

Overall rating this week: D+

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