Friday Features, July 13, 2012

It’s Friday the Thirteenth, and you know what that means? Other-worldly calamity and mishaps! Or a prehistoric comedy returns for its fourth installment. One of those.

Each week, we take a look at the latest coming attractions from Hollywood and grade them based on their Asian-American presence or lack thereof. So grab some popcorn (I prefer kettle) and get ready for a one-trick pony Friday Features.


Blue Sky

No. of AA: 2

Rating:  C+

Ice Age: Continental Drift

Prehistoric squirrel gets acorn then causes Pangaea to split, separating the ragtag band of mammals from the first three films from their friends and family. It looks like an ocean, and a band of wily pirates, is all that stands between them and a happy reunion. Aziz Ansari plays Squint, a pirate bunny. Cute.

Overall rating this week: D+

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